First published in Cryonics magazine, January-February, 2012 Introduction Many people who have made cryonics arrangements tend to think of it as a “back-up plan” in
What Evidence-Based Cryonics Means Evidence-Based Cryonics means to investigate and publish the efficacy of cryonics procedures using contemporary scientific and medical technologies. If injury to
Introduction Cryoprotectant toxicity should be distinguished from other mechanisms of cryopreservation injury such as chilling injury (injury produced by too low temperatures as such) and
Many people in the life extension community follow some kind of diet. Historically, caloric restriction (CR) has been the most popular and most discussed option.
According to Steve Jobs, death is such a great benefit to mankind that it would have to be invented if it did not exist: No
The recent issue of Cryonics magazine features a comprehensive update on intermediate temperature storage (ITS). This article contains an important observation: Acoustic events consistent with
Reportedly, when James Watson and Steven Pinker had their genome sequenced, they declined to know their risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Clearly this is not an
One of the most predictable features of public debates about cryonics is that those arguing in favor of cryonics are held to more rigorous standards
Gerald Feinberg, a Columbia university physicist who, among other things, hypothesized the existence of the muon neutrino, had a strong interest in the future of
By Gerald Feinberg New methods for freezing and storing at low temperatures might lead to many new potentialities for the human race, the most exciting