Introduction Ongoing legal challenges and hostile interference of relatives have increased awareness among cryonicists that addressing the likelihood that one will be cryopreserved at all
It has been said that if you want to persuade someone, you need to find common ground. But one of the defining characteristics of cryonics
What is striking about cryonics is that those who have taken serious efforts to understand the arguments in favor of its technical feasibility generally endorse
This book review was originally published in Cryonics magazine, 1st Quarter, 2011. Editor-in-chief, cryobiologist, and aging researcher Gregory M. Fahy and his associate editors Michael
This article was originally published in Cryonics magazine, 4th Quarter, 2010. Introduction The most important reasons for writing case reports are: 1. To provide a
Paul Edwards concludes his chapter ‘The Semantic Challenge’ in his book God and the Philosophers with the following observation about logical positivism: It is not
In his book God and the Philosophers, the Austrian American atheist philosopher Paul Edwards writes: When we die we do not return to the “bosom
The Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence blog features a short interview with new Alcor CEO Max More: Q: Where do you see cryonics in the future? We’ll
The cryonics company Suspended Animation “will sponsor the conference, “Suspended Animation – The Company and The Goal,” which will be held in Fort Lauderdale in
As we start the new year, it is helpful to draw attention to the sobering fact that no credible human rejuvenation therapies are available today,