This is the fourth in a series of interviews with individuals in the life extension and cryonics movement. Rudi Hoffman is an Alcor and CI
The biggest obstacle to the acceptance of cryonics is medical myopia; the idea that someone who has been pronounced dead by contemporary medical criteria will
In sensationalized accounts of cryonics, explicit descriptions of cryonics procedures, and that of neuropreservation in particular, are used to invoke a negative response in the
On the forum of the Immortality Institute there is an interesting exchange about the feasibility and time line for reversible cryopreservation. Cryobiologist Brian Wowk weighs
Alcor’s recent news item about its 2009 Annual Board Meeting and Strategic Meeting contains a number of encouraging statements. On the front of institutional reform,
One question that is going to be of great interest is how aging baby boomers will confront aging and death. Where previous generations have found
There is a growing literature that discusses the technical aspects of revival of cryonics patients. The following list of the published literature was compiled by
Danila Medvedev has translated Ben Best’s article “Scientific Justification of Cryonics Practice” into Russian. The translation is available on the KrioRus website. The original Engish
There will be two cryonics meetings in Oregon this weekend. Eugene area cryonics meet-up: Saturday August 15th 5:00pm Cozmic Pizza (coffee, salads, wine, beer and
The 2008-3 issue of Alcor’s Cryonics Magazine contains a number of articles about the pitfalls of (excessive) scientific optimism and its potential adverse effects on