From David M. Friedman’s The Immortalists: Charles Lindbergh, Dr. Alexis Carrel, and Their Daring Quest to Live Forever: The initial stages of these studies were
One of the most neglected aspects of cryonics is that its procedures, and the research to support them, can have important practical applications in mainstream
James Warren is to be complimented for writing a thorough and persuasive book on Epicurean thinking about death. In Facing Death: Epicurus and his Critics,
Brownian motion started when Robert Brown looked into his microscope and observed that pollen suspended in water moved around in a continuous random motion. Wanting
Recent advances with the use of hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide and “hibernation induction triggers” to depress metabolism in animal models have renewed interest in the
GOAL: HUMAN CRYO-ANABIOSIS by Armand Karow, Jr. Part I – SHORT TERM PRESERVATION BY HYPOTHERMIA Deep cooling (without actual freezing) an organism has been discussed
Chris Heward past away on January 10, 2009. This post will remain here to remember Chris and his struggle against cancer. John Schloendorn, who is
This is the second in a series of interviews with individuals in the life extension and cryonics movement. The first interview was with Cryonics Institute
The website TopTenz recently published a list of the Top 10 Most Famous Preserved Body Parts. The list includes Galileo’s finger and Albert Einstein’s brain.
In 2003 George Hart published an article called “The Immortal’s Dilemma: Decontructing Eternal Life” , making a secular case against immortality. Hart mainly uses logical