Can life exist without water? This is one of the questions that fascinates astrobiologists. The behavior of biomolecules in non-aqueous solutions is also of interest
A PDF file of this document is available with images and structural visualization of various sugars. D(+) lactose monohydrate is the principal sugar in mammalian
The major limiting obstacle to reversible cryopreservation of complex organs is cryoprotectant toxicity. Elimination of ice formation through vitrification requires high concentrations of cryoprotective agents.
In “The chemistry of neuroprotection”, the author argues convincingly that there could be great benefit from a systematic and rigorously scientific study of the physical
P. Colm Malone and Paul S. Agutter have written a remarkable book about deep venous thrombosis (DVT) called “The Aetiology of Deep Venous Thrombosis: A
CRYONICS REPORTS: What is your background? PREHODA: My degrees are in chemistry and my research experience has been focused primarily on propulsion chemistry (rockets, ramjets,
Philip Ball, author of “Life’s Matrix: A Biography of Water”, and publisher of the excellent blog, Water in Biology, reports on recent papers about the
The blog Soft Machines writes about a new opinion piece in the Financial Times by David Shaywitz and Nassim Nicholas Taleb on biomedical science and
In a recent blog post, Overcoming Bias reports that Gary Taubes, who has written much to further the idea that refined carbohydrates are a stronger
As discussed in a previous post, perfusion of the brain following long-term (>5 min) ischemia has been shown to be significantly compromised, particularly in subcortical