Rudi Hoffman, cryonics activist and the world’s leading cryonics insurance provider, is today’s featured guest on “The Future and You:” “You can too take it
A PDF file of this article with images is available here. “Tenderly you stroke a Nettle, and it stings you for your pains. Grasp it
In 2007, cryobiologist Armand M. Karow passed away. Unlike many contemporary cryobiologists, Karow offered cautious support for the objectives of cryonics. In the mid-1960s, Karow
Can life exist without water? This is one of the questions that fascinates astrobiologists. The behavior of biomolecules in non-aqueous solutions is also of interest
A PDF file of this document is available with images and structural visualization of various sugars. D(+) lactose monohydrate is the principal sugar in mammalian
On August 23, Chana and Aschwin de Wolf drafted a blog entry on the phenomenon of partners who are hostile to cryonics. We sent our
Just a superficial look at the history of the life extension movement will suffice to show the rise and fall of numerous fads and trends
Now online is an old interview with Robert W. Prehoda. Prehoda was a prolific science writer who published on topics such as aging, life extension,
This is the first in a series of interviews with individuals in the life extension and cryonics movement. We start off with an interview with
On the Immortality Institute cryonics forum, Alcor Board member and researcher Brian Wowk has posted some insightful comments on the difference between suspended animation and